
Tammie Quick

Tammie Quick

Areas of expertise: Doctor of Medical Heilkunst, DMH.

Qualifications: DMH, DHHP.

QuickHealth Clinic
21 Bocock Place
St. Albert, Alberta
T8N 2K3
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Tel: 780-221-6127


What do you get when you cross a Heilkunstler with a singer? Tammie Quick. Boy, if the kids in high school could see me now! Once voted most likely to succeed, my becoming a Doctor of anything was never in anyone’s thoughts. I was the girl in all the choirs, all of the theatre productions (and some of the detention rooms), and who won all of the artistic scholarships… but none of the academic ones! Yet being on tour in backroads Alberta, BC and Saskatchewan took its toll on my health, and that led to an obsessive interest in alternative forms of staying healthy. Years later when my firstborn was diagnosed on the autistic spectrum, I was drawn further to alternative health care and away from the allopathic system of drugs and surgery. While I am passionate about both art forms (performing and healing), eventually I made the decision to go back to school with the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst.

I love this work! And I have been so blessed throughout the journey from student to practitioner. The remarkable healings that I have witnessed in my circle and within myself, not to mention in those who have honoured me with the care and guidance of their Heilkunst journeys, leaves me in quiet awe.

“You only get the patients that you need.”  This concept is a key teaching for Heilkunstlers and, as such, I (eventually) realized the opportunity I was being given when I kept attracting Lichen Sclerosis patients to my clinic. Once I opened myself up to the possibility that someone was trying to tell me something, my own healing journey (from Lichen Sclerosis – something  I’d continued to suffer with, while successfully helping others) was ready to start! That healing began with a  spiritual unfolding and eventually turned into a book that helps others to heal from this debilitating condition too.  My book is entitled: How To Live Happily Ever After "Down Under" the how-to thrive with lichen Sclerosis guide.  In my practice I now specialize in the treatment of Lichen Sclerosis.

…But the learning never ends!  Because of my personal and professional interest in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, and because I have wonderfully inquisitive patients, I began a ketogenic experiment nearly three years ago.  What an incredible journey!  I’ve learned soooo much.  Did you know that dieting is a trauma that will harm your metabolism – for life??  I didn’t either!  But Heilkunst excels at treating past trauma, so this is a crucial component of my second book:  Your Weight is Over Dr. Tammie’s fast Quick guide to taking it off & keeping it off.  I now specialise in the Heilkunst Weight solution too, which will help you reach (and maintain) your “happy weight” as well as heal systemic inflammation, which can be a root cause in most chronic illness.

No doubt about it, my education has provided the clinical knowledge for the application of the appropriately chosen homeopathic remedies, given in perfect order… AND the universe gave me exactly what I needed to do just that, and more.